Our experimented and efficient team of soundmen will put all its skills at your service. The availability is our main characteristic. We are present from the pre-study phase of your project until its finalization. Don't hesitate to contact us...
Notre matériel (disponibilité permanente):
- Mixettes ENG (Sound devices 552, 442, SQN 4S, ...)
- Enregistreur multipiste Sound devices 788T
- Emetteurs/récepteurs HF Sennheiser SK5212-II/EK3241, Micron 700 series
- Microphones divers (Sennheiser MKH50, MKH30, MKH416, Neumann KMR81i, Sanken COS11, DPA 4088, ...)
- Perches, pieds et supports
- Générateurs de TC Ambient ACL204 Lockit
- Clapboard
- Talkies, interphonie
- Ecoutes HF
- Sacs de transport, pelicase
Thanks to our partner Audiosense, we are able to provide the technical tools that we don't have yet. Il nous est ainsi possible de répondre aux demandes les plus spécifiques dans les plus brefs délais.